coach、instruct、tutor、discipline 都有指導、訓練的意含,但是:
(1) coach 可用在指導及訓練範圍較廣,如考試、運動、歌唱.
–verb: to give instruction or advice to in the capacity of a coach;
ex: She has coached the present tennis champion.
(2) tutor 偏向學科方向的指導及輔導,而且有受雇當家教的意味(受教的對象只有一人).
–verb: be a tutor to someone; give individual instruction;
ex: She tutored me in Spanish"
(3) instruct 具有教授、訓練、及指導的意思,而且是強調以有系統的方法來進行.
–verb: a) to furnish with knowledge, esp. by a systematic method; teach; train; educate.
b) to furnish with orders or directions; direct; order; command;
ex: The doctor instructed me to diet.
(4) discipline 具有訓練、訓導的意思,而且著重在透過下達指令、實際的練習(身體力行)來養成某種技能,或者養成自我控制、有紀律.
–verb: to train by instruction and exercise;
ex: Parents must discipline their children.