2012年10月23日 星期二

聽力作業:10/23 Breakfast


1. 請聽第一段即可 (節錄於下)。繼續往下聽可以聽到更多跟早餐有關的內容喔!
2.看完別人的早餐,好想知道你的早餐吃什麼喔? 可以說說你今天的早餐嗎?^^
Voice 1 
Welcome to Spotlight. I’m Ryan Geertsma.
Voice 2 
And I’m Robin Basselin. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand no matter where in the world they live.
Voice 1 
Every morning, John does many of the same things. First, he gets out of bed and cleans up. After that, he sits down at the table and reads the morning news. As he reads, he eats his breakfast - the first meal of the day. He eats bread, two cooked eggs and coffee. Then he leaves for his job.
Voice 2 
Izumi’s morning is very similar to John’s. But her breakfast looks very different. She eats cooked white rice, hot, good tasting liquid called soup, and some vegetables.
Voice 1 
People in every country eat morning meals. But these meals can be very different. Today’s Spotlight is on breakfast around the world.

